Archive for the ‘Tirol’ Category

I’ve been eying this for awhile, but I wasn’t sure because I don’t like almonds. But I wondered if green tea would trump that. I really hope it does. There was actually two different Tirol mix packs. The other one had Castella (which I heard wasn’t that good) and regular Milk Tirol. I’ve recently discovered […]

Yay! This is my 100th review. I wanted to do my 100th review on my blog anniversary day. But it didn’t quite work out. Well, I’m sure if I had worked out the math in the beginning, I could’ve tweaked it so it would happen. But alas, I never knew I would keep up this […]

Sorry for not updating sooner! But I caught a cold, so I thought I’d hold it off, just in case it affected my taste buds for this review! Anyways, and so ends the Strawberry Days series! Hope you enjoyed it! Maybe, I’ll try this – or something like it – again someday! I first learned […]