Archive for the ‘UHA’ Category

Packaging: There’s just something I love about 北海道(Hokkaidō). Maybe it’s the snow, but of course, it snows in a lot of parts of Japan.  I don’t know. But when I think about going to Japan, next to going to 東京(Tōkyō), is 北海道. Well, honestly, I think 東京 is good for sight-seeing and stuff, but I’d probably […]

I think a pet peeve that many food bloggers share is when there’s a sticker right on the packaging of a food/snack. It really gets to me because then, it ruins the photoshoot. Now, occasionally, I can peel the sticker off with ease. But other times (more rare than not), whilst peeling off the sticker, […]

I can’t believe this is my 50th review! It seems like a small number, but also huge at the same time. I wish I could’ve aligned the 50th review and the 6 year anniversary together, but they just didn’t work. Oh, well. I can’t believe, in the course of half a year, I’ve tried 50 […]

Packaging: I’ve seen these candies around ever since I’ve started shopping at 日本町. They first jumped out at me because of the face, obviously. Well, the eyes aren’t that sweet, but the puckered lips get at me. Every time I make a trip, I spend at least a couple seconds wondering whether I should make […]

Curious about the title? Well, I just realized that the last post, and this post are both strawberry-flavored. And then thinking, I remembered I had more strawberry products on hand, so I decided to pull them together and create Strawberry Days. Starting from this post, and ending with a total of 5 days. On the […]