Archive for September, 2010

So I mentioned in the haul that there was a secret about this snack, as well as the Choco Ball. Well here it is for this snack. The reason why it was being sold so cheap and on sale at Ichiban’kan, well, it was expired. Not by much though! I swear! Just, oh about two […]

Toppo is basically an inverted Pocky, manufactured by Lotte. (How funny, it seems like Lotte is constantly copying Glico, see Pepero) So for this, instead of the chocolate being on the outside, coating the crunchy stick. It’s on the inside. I’ve heard debate about the whole Pocky v.s. Toppo deal, but let’s see here and […]

Here is the very last snack that was bought in L.A. Fukufuku Tai(ふくふくたい) and PukuPuku Tai(ぷくぷく), I wasn’t sure whether there really was a difference between the two or not. I originally only got the ぷくぷく one, but my mom told me to get another one for my sister, so I chose the opposite, ふくふく. […]

I think a pet peeve that many food bloggers share is when there’s a sticker right on the packaging of a food/snack. It really gets to me because then, it ruins the photoshoot. Now, occasionally, I can peel the sticker off with ease. But other times (more rare than not), whilst peeling off the sticker, […]

Haul #8


It had been way too long, over a month since I went to Japantown! So one my very first chance to go, I nabbed it. I got out of school early on Wednesday, and I hopped on a bus over to Japantown. Gosh! When I entered, it was like heaven. I missed it so much! […]

No Post


I’m supposed to have a review today… But I can’t. Sorry! My problem? Life… School… I really want to get good grades so I’ve been doing homework. And then I have a club to tend to. And then I’m just…no. Sorry! Hopefully I’ll catch up this weekend!!!

Packaging: I was really attracted to this snack from it’s vibrant red color as well as the honey+apple combo. The little characters are very cute, but that wasn’t really what caught my eye in the store. I love the image of the bee (cute!) dripping honey over the apple slices. It’s just so delicious and […]

Here is yet another snack that was boughten in L.A. Packaging: This purchase was totally my mom’s call. Actually, she was looking for a chestnut cake. I think it was because A) my sister likes them and/or B) she liked the ones we got in Japan two summers ago. I wouldn’t say this packaging is […]

This was part of the final present I got from my secret at friend. We did secret friend (which is a tradition among the teachers) at the place I worked at during the summer, which was a summer program. If you want to find out more about the Dinner, in which the secret friends were […]

Happy Birthday to one of my good friends, Cam! Love you! Hope you have a great birthday today! (Even though she won’t see this post) Takenoko no Sato(たけのこの里) translates into “Bamboo Shoot Village”. I have seen these dozens of times, way before I even started this blog. Not only as this strawberry flavor, but as […]