Archive for the ‘Kameda Seika’ Category

This is sort of another “sample”. The thing is, my sister got my mom to buy it at Ichiban’kan (in another mall/city) before she left to go back to L.A. But she only took about…half of the bag? And left the rest here. To be frank, given a shelf full of senbei snacks, this wouldn’t […]

Packaging: I was really attracted to this snack from it’s vibrant red color as well as the honey+apple combo. The little characters are very cute, but that wasn’t really what caught my eye in the store. I love the image of the bee (cute!) dripping honey over the apple slices. It’s just so delicious and […]

Here’s yet another first, my first ever senbei post! It’s not that I haven’t seen senbei around, nor is it that I dislike senbei. The thing is, that it’s hard to choose one. The reason being, I can’t read kanji. Of course, there’s an English tag on the back, but I’d like to know what […]