Archive for the ‘Holiday Special’ Category

This was totally sudden, I didn’t think I was going to do one, but last Wednesday, I went to Walgreens to buy some stuff for my secret friend (I’m back at my summer job ! Getting paid this year though !). I also bought two things for myself, Royal Dansk Luxury Wafers (Vanilla) and Hershey’s […]

I took a long break, but I’m finally back. You know how it is, the last month of school before summer break. Teachers cramming in homework, tests and projects. But I’m finally, finally done! & I bet I gained like 2-3 pounds from the amount of snacking I did while studying…although, it might not have […]

I’m so random about these Holiday Specials. I mean, honestly, I can’t really find much of an interest in “American” candies, because I’m in love with Japanese candies. See, I don’t actually celebrate Easter. But I had these chocolates, and I love them, so I want to share them with you guys. I remember when […]

I’m so iffy about these Holiday Specials. I mean, it’s not that I don’t want to do them. Certainly, they’re interesting, but the thing is, American sweets don’t really appeal to me anymore. Or well, it’s just that I keep seeing the same things over and over again, Skittles, M&M’s, Snickers, 3 Musketeers, etc. There’s […]

I know that I missed quite a lot of Holiday Specials. But I actually have a reason. One, I was lazy. Two, I didn’t exactly have themed items (I missed Halloween and Veterans Day) because I don’t really buy “American” sweets anymore. And three, I was kind of changing up my criteria. I had a […]

This was part of the final present I got from my secret at friend. We did secret friend (which is a tradition among the teachers) at the place I worked at during the summer, which was a summer program. If you want to find out more about the Dinner, in which the secret friends were […]

This is a new portion of my blog. Holiday Specials will be for American holidays. And only that. So White Day, is a Japanese holiday (obviously) and things like Mother’s Day are celebrated in both. (Okay, I know I missed several holidays, but that was because I didn’t come up with this idea until now.)  For […]